Scrotal B ultrasound demonstrated hydrocele in both sides and swelling of left epididymis. 阴囊B超示:双侧鞘膜腔积液,左侧附睾增大。
Conclusions The symptoms of funicular and scrotal lymphangioma were similar to those of hydrocele, and B ultrasonic examination could help to improve the rate of correct diagnosis. 结论小儿精索、阴囊淋巴管瘤与鞘膜积液的临床特点相似,B超检查有利于提高诊断率。
Scrotal hydrocele occurred in 2 cases and treated with hydrocele subvolution 3 months after operation. 因阴囊积液于术后3个月行鞘膜积液翻转术2例。
There were 3 cases of pain and 2 cases of scrotal hydrocele postoperatively. 术后疼痛3例,阴囊积液2例。
No wound infection or urinary retention occurred. Scrotal hydrocele was found in 4 cases. 无切口感染,无尿潴留,阴囊积液4例。